Photo by Liberty Olds, Petrogale brachyotis

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Your membership to the Australian Mammal Society supports research on Australasian mammals and their conservation.  As the peak society for mammal research and conservation in Australia, the AMS facilitates the sharing of information not only across the country, but other countries in Australasia.  Without membership there would be no scientific journal, no conference, no newsletter, and no common voice to promote research and conservation.  The AMS represents a group of dedicated and enthusiastic mammalogists.  Be one of us!

Being a financial member of the Australian Mammal Society has many benefits, including:

  • Online access to current and past issues of the Society's scientifc journal "Australian Mammalogy"
  • Two virtual issues of the AMS Newsletter (including abstracts of scientific papers presented at the Society's conferences) each year
  • Regular e-mail updates
  • Access to "members only" pages on the web site
  • Contact details of other members to facilitate networking
  • Discount on the cost of registration for the Annual Scientific Meeting, symposia, and forums
  • Eligibility for Awards offered by the Society
  • Members may advertise events, projects or job offers, and recruit volunteers using the web site.